The logo of mForce Marriott Wealth Advisors.

Combining digital mediums with traditional audiences


mFORCE Marriott is a traditional independent advisory firm that primarily serves an older demographic. Historically, they have relied on traditional marketing methods such as in-person events and print marketing. They approached us to explore how they could integrate digital marketing strategies into their existing practices without completely abandoning their traditional approaches.

Jan 2023 - Jan 2024
Strategize, Cultivate
Marketing, Graphic Design, Copy Writing


Brochures printed
Sign ups through QR codes
QR code scan rate

Engaging digitally with older demographics

The main challenge for mFORCE Marriott was engaging an older audience that is typically less tech-savvy. This demographic predominantly resides in a retirement community that is active with numerous group events, most of which are promoted offline. Consequently, the community was not accustomed to digital communications, presenting a unique challenge in integrating new digital methods.

Our initial assumptions about the tech-savviness of the audience were challenged when we discovered that they were more familiar with digital technologies than expected. To grow mFORCE Marriott’s new Facebook page and increase digital engagement, we opted to blend digital and traditional marketing techniques. We designed print communications featuring QR codes distributed at community events. This approach proved effective, as evidenced by 151 QR code scans over the past year, linking users to their Facebook, website, and YouTube channels.

Key Takeaways

This case study demonstrates that digital marketing tools like QR codes can effectively engage traditionally non-digital audiences. QR codes, in particular, proved to be an excellent tool for brand awareness, effectively bridging the gap between offline and online marketing. Our experience with mFORCE Marriott illustrates that with thoughtful implementation, digital tools can complement traditional marketing methods, broadening reach and enhancing engagement across diverse demographics.

Blend Mediums

Creating a blend of different mediums helps with seamless transitions.

Know Your Target

Knowing your target audience helps tailor your strategy to their preferences.

Keep it On-Brand

Every marketing campaign is an opportunity to expand your brand awareness.

Track Progress

Properly measuring a campaigns KPI's helps you assess success and informs your next campaign.