July 10, 2024

Top Digital Promotional Activities to Boost Your Independent Practice

Elevate your independent practice with top digital promotional activities designed to enhance visibility and engagement online.

Jack Buttjer founded House of Work in 2021 and has helped dozens of firms worldwide grow their AUM to upwards of 400%.


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The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and independent financial advisors can stay ahead by embracing the most effective digital promotional activities. What worked in the past may no longer be relevant. Choosing strategies that align with your business goals is crucial for success.

In this article, we’ll explore the top digital marketing trends including AI, influencer marketing, interactive content, voice search optimization, and personalized email marketing. By leveraging these strategies, you can create a winning digital marketing campaign.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand and implement the latest digital marketing strategies.
  • Leverage AI and machine learning for your marketing initiatives.
  • Utilize influencers to enhance your strategy.
  • Focus on interactive and humanized content for better engagement.
  • Optimize for voice search to stay ahead.
  • Drive engagement through personalized email marketing.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing digital marketing by providing innovative ways to create content, analyze client behavior, and enhance strategies. For independent advisors, incorporating AI into your marketing efforts can lead to more targeted and successful campaigns.

What are the Benefits of AI for Independent Advisors?

The primary advantage of AI and ML in digital marketing is their ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data. This allows independent advisors to identify trends and insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. Additionally, AI tools can automate complex tasks, freeing up your team to focus on strategic planning.

For example, deploying AI in your client meetings will help you come up with content ideas based on feedback.

Personalization and Customer Insights

AI enables a higher level of personalization by analyzing customer data to understand individual preferences. Tools like ChatGPT can help create content that resonates with your audience, increasing client satisfaction and loyalty. Personalized marketing messages based on data-driven insights can significantly enhance engagement.

Examples of AI Tools

Key AI tools for digital marketing include Salesforce for managing customer relationships and Google Keyword Planner for optimizing your SEO strategy. Utilizing these tools can greatly improve your marketing outcomes by making your efforts more precise and data-driven​​.

How To Utilize Influencer Marketing for Brand Growth

Influencer marketing has become a pivotal strategy in digital promotion. It leverages the influence of online and offline personalities to reach dedicated audiences, making it easier for independent financial advisors to connect with potential clients.

The Power of Influencers

Influencers are trusted by their followers, making their recommendations more impactful than traditional advertisements. Partnering with influencers can boost brand awareness and engagement​​.

Authenticity and Trust

Influencer marketing works because it feels authentic. Followers perceive influencer content as genuine, which fosters trust and increases engagement. This authenticity creates a strong connection with potential clients, enhancing brand loyalty​​.

Collaborating with Influencers

Independent financial advisors can collaborate with influencers through professional organizations and other centers of influence. Platforms like YouTube and email newsletters are particularly effective for these efforts. Ensure that the influencer’s style and audience align with your campaign goals to maximize impact.

Creating Interactive & Humanized Content

In today’s digital world, creating content that engages and interacts with your audience is crucial. Independent financial advisors need to humanize their content to build stronger connections with clients.

For example, Independent advisors tend to prioritize technical content. This content shows prospects you are knowledgeable and should be deployed in the middle of the funnel. With that said, advisors should prioritize holistic content at the top of the funnel as this shows authenticity and encourages users to learn more. You can see this holistic content strategy in action with our content marketing case study.

Importance of Humanized Content

Humanizing your content builds trust and loyalty. Sharing real-life stories and emotions helps your brand stand out. Content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs and experiences fosters a deeper connection.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging user-generated content enhances engagement and community feeling. When clients share their stories and experiences, it boosts trust and loyalty. This content will attract more clients and build a robust online presence. For example, Independent advisors are becoming more accepting of testimonials since the release of the SEC's New Marketing Rule.

Short form content, such as reels and shorts, can reach a broader audience. Incorporating interactive elements that involve your audience enhances your online impact and makes your strategy more effective​.

How to Optimize for Voice Search

Voice search optimization is can be easily implemented in today’s digital marketing environment. With the increasing use of voice-activated assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa, Independent financial advisors must adapt their strategies.

Voice searches tend to be more conversational. Creating content that mimics natural speech can increase your visibility in voice search results. To do this, structure your content as questions. Structured data and FAQ pages help search engines understand your content better, making it more likely to appear in voice searches​​.

Here is a comparison of the leading voice-activated assistants:

Responsive Table
Feature Google Home Amazon Alexa
Voice Recognition Advanced Highly Advanced
AI Technology Google Assistant Alexa AI
Integration Capability Extensive with Google Services Extensive with Amazon Services

Using voice search optimization and conversational marketing leads to better engagement by creating a better user experience.

How Personalized Email Marketing Can Drive Engagement

Personalized email marketing allows Independent financial advisors to send tailored messages that cater to the specific needs of different client segments.

Increasing Open Rates with Personalization

Personalized emails significantly improve open rates. By using merge tags and segmenting your email lists, you can send relevant messages to the right audience, increasing engagement and driving conversions.

Utilizing Dynamic Content

Dynamic content adjusts email content based on recipient behavior and data, providing unique and relevant experiences. This approach enhances customer retention and campaign success. For example, you can send emails dynamically based on when a contact opened an email in the past using ActiveCampaign.


Independent financial advisors are well placed to stay ahead with their digital marketing strategies. Leveraging AI can provide deeper customer insights, making your marketing more personalized and effective. Collaborating with influencers brings authenticity and trust, enhancing brand growth.

Creating interactive, humanized content and optimizing for voice search keeps you relevant and engaging. Adding personalized email marketing to your strategy strengthens your connection with your audience.

Jack Buttjer, founder and CEO of House of Work, emphasizes, “Firms must deploy modern digital promotional activities to keep up with competitors and serve the next generation of investors. This includes the kids of current clients that will need a independent financial advisor once they receive an inheritance.”

By adopting these key trends, your business is well-positioned for success. These strategies not only boost your marketing efforts but also ensure your brand's growth and success in a competitive digital landscape.

For personalized strategies and expert guidance, get started with House of Work today.

Actionable Insights for Independent Financial Advisors

To fully leverage these digital promotional activities, here are some practical steps for independent advisors:

1. Integrate AI for Enhanced Personalization

  • Start Small: Begin with AI tools like chatbots or email marketing automation to handle repetitive tasks and personalize communications.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Use AI analytics to gain deeper insights into client behavior and preferences, tailoring your marketing efforts to meet their needs.

2. Leverage Influencer Partnerships

  • Identify Relevant Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values and have a strong following among your target demographic.
  • Engage with Authentic Content: Create campaigns that feel genuine and provide value to the audience, such as financial advice webinars or Q&A sessions with influencers.

3. Create Interactive and Humanized Content

  • Utilize User-Generated Content: Encourage clients to share testimonials to improve trust with your brand.
  • Interactive Tools: Develop tools like financial calculators or risk assessment quizzes that engage users and provide immediate value.

4. Optimize for Voice Search

  • Conversational Content: Write content in a natural, conversational tone and use questions to match how users speak in voice searches.
  • Local SEO: Ensure your Google My Business details are accurate and optimized for local search, as many voice searches are location-specific.

5. Implement Personalized Email Campaigns

  • Segment Your Audience: Divide your email list into segments based on client needs and interests to send more relevant messages.
  • Dynamic Content: Use dynamic email content to customize messages for each recipient, increasing engagement and conversion rates.