July 10, 2024

HoW To Scale with Automation

Scale your business using automation as part of our Strategize, Cultivate, and Scale approach.

Jack Buttjer founded House of Work in 2021 and has helped dozens of firms worldwide grow their AUM to upwards of 400%.


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In this video, we address the following problems:

  1. Prospects often fall through the cracks because they’re not followed up on systematically.
  2. Clients might not be led through a quality fact finding process ensuring all areas are attended to.
  3. There’s often a concentration of work with newly onboarded clients, known as the "pig in the python" problem.

Scaling with automation is about leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve efficiency. By systematically addressing prospecting, onboarding, and client servicing, you can scale your business sustainably and effectively. Remember, it’s about working on the right things to achieve a balanced life.