July 10, 2024

HoW About Our Strategize, Cultivate and Scale Approach

Introducing our simple yet effective approach: Strategize, Cultivate, and Scale.

Jack Buttjer founded House of Work in 2021 and has helped dozens of firms worldwide grow their AUM to upwards of 400%.


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I'm excited to introduce you to our simple yet effective approach: Strategize, Cultivate, and Scale.

Think of your business as a house – build it on a sturdy foundation with the best materials and people to ensure long-term stability and success.

Our approach is designed to maximize your return on marketing investment. Imagine getting 200 leads next week – how would you handle them? What does your sales process look like? How about your onboarding process? If you don't have these processes in place, don't worry – that's a common and acceptable answer.

Focusing on the right aspects of your business will help you serve more clients efficiently and effectively. Here’s how you can implement our Strategize, Cultivate, and Scale approach in your business.